Cutting Gardens

Cutting Gardens

How to grow cutting flower for bouquets. For many people, going out into the yard and cutting assorted flowers to bring into the house is one of the pleasures of the growing season. Some decide to make a space on their property for a dedicated cutting garden, while others choose to work plants for cutting into existing beds. As we go into spring and early summer, here are some ways you can include spirit-lifting flowers in your growing plans.

This is a cutting garden that is filled with annuals and perennials. See the list below of plants to include for flowers all season.
Spring bulbs supply flowers for bouquets. Grow them in a cutting garden, a very large container, or throughout your property.

Here are plants that are recommended for bouquets:

Shrubs: Butterfly bush, Forsythia, deciduous azaleas, lilacs, hydrangeas and roses.

Perennials: Nepeta, peonies, lady’s mantle, peach-leaf bellflower, summer phlox, agastache, daisies, helianthus, actea, joe-pye weed, butterfly weed, black-eyed Susans, asteres, Asiatic and Oriental lilies, daffodils, and Verbena bonariensis.

Annuals: Dahlias, zinnias, ‘Blue Horizon’ ageratum, marigolds, salvia, nasturtiums, and sunflowers.

Tips for planting: Perennials can be planted anytime from April on. Most annuals are planted in late-May or early June. If you’re growing zinnias and sunflowers from seed that is being sown directly into the garden, wait until the very end of May so that the soil will be warm.

Most cutting garden flowers do best in part to full sun. Place them where there is at least four hours of direct sunlight, including the noon hour.

This garden contains the tall Actea ‘Brunette’ (top right) and the purple Volcano Phlox, both perennials. The annual blue salvia and the yellow Bidens Goldilocks Rocks can also be cut throughout the summer.
Small bouquets are perfect for sharing with co-workers or neighbors. Plan to deliver some to friends and family this summer…you’ll be planting smiles.
A simple collection of recycled bottles makes a wonderful way to display cut flowers. This end of summer arrangement includes dahlias, asters, hydrangeas, verbena bonariensis and vitex.
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