Can I Plant Pansies Now?

It’s the beginning of April and we’re all anxious to get outside to see growth and flowers. But on Cape Cod April can be as cold, or even colder than March. We are stuck at the intersection of Winter and Planting Season. Plants that we can put in containers and in the ground right now…

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Discover Wellness In Your Landscape…Part 1: Herbs

At Country Garden we know that plants, gardens, and beautiful landscapes are healing, life-supporting places. So we were very pleased to see an article in the New York Times this week on how many hospitals are including plants and gardens in the healing therapy programs for their patients. We are aware, however, that you don’t…

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Can I Bring My Annual Pots and Boxes Inside For The Winter?

On Cape Cod many of us have pots and window boxes that are still full of flowering annuals in September. Our customers wonder if they can bring these beauties inside before frost. “Is it possible to keep them looking this good through the winter?” they ask, or “Can I save them and put them out…

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A Schedule For Seeds & Cuttings on Cape Cod

When it comes to starting seeds indoors, timing is everything. In February our customers frequently want to know if it’s too early to start their tomato seeds. They ask if it’s OK to begin to grow other vegetable plants and flowers inside. Some seeds can be started quite early indoors while others are best left…

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Why Every Garden Needs Annuals

Most of our customers love flowers…the more the better. Flowering shrubs and trees are great for dependable, lower-maintenance color. Perennials provide an ever changing kaleidoscope of flowers that open at different points in the season. But even with a good selection of all of these plants, a garden needs annuals. Unlike perennials and shrubs, most annuals…

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