Flowers All Summer…and Colorful Foliage

Flowers All Summer…and Colorful Foliage

There are many ways to have flowers all summer, and it’s been clear that this has been more important this summer. We’ve seen more customers shopping for flowering plants, and we’re not alone! Most garden centers have experienced shortages of available plants from our vendors. Whether this is due to the increased demand, reduced production from the growers, or a combination of those two things, it’s been an unfortunate consequence of the pandemic.

Fortunately, our employees and customers have all been patient about these shortages and we’ve still been able to get many of our favorite annual plants. Here are just a few classic favorites that we have in stock that will bring color and cheer to your gardens.

New Guinea Impatiens remain a favorite annual because they provide hundreds of flowers in part-shade to full sun. No deadheading required! Plant with some time-release fertilizer scattered in the area for good growth and large flowers.
Salvia Black and Blue is one of the best annuals for attracting hummingbirds. This Salvia works singly in a pot, when combined with other annuals, or when planted in and among perennial plants in the garden.
Flowers aren’t the only way to provide color…these caladiums are as pretty as any flower and they add splashes of pink, white, green and red in full-shade gardens. Plus heart-shaped leaves, which adds to their charm.
We have a great selection of Rex Begonias in the front greenhouse, and these are perfect for colorful displays in the shade. This gardener made a shelf for holding Rex Begonia pots on the shady side of a fence.

And when it comes to color all summer, don’t forget our favorite shrub, the Hydrangea. When grown in morning sun and afternoon shade the flowers on hydrangeas last from late June through September.

Red toned Hydrangea flowers will be a dark purple or blue in our naturally acidic soils. If the soil remains alkaline the flowers will stay red or pink.

We’ve also got Profusion Zinnias, Wave petunias, Lantana, Flowering Vinca, and wax begonias to name just a few. So if you’re still filling containers and gardens, we’ve got you covered.

Shortages or not, we’ve got hundreds of flowering plants that will make your outdoor oasis a cheerful place this summer. Flowers may not be a cure for COVID-19, but they go a long way toward making us feel better about the situation.

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