Cape Cod Proven Winners

Hyannis Country Garden announces that Independence House in Hyannis was chosen to receive a free planting of annuals and perennials. As part of the celebration of Proven Winners Weekend, Country Garden asked individuals to nominate a local non-profit organization that is a “proven winner for Cape Cod.” Sixteen individuals nominated a total of nine different…

How To Deadhead Roses

There are many reasons to deadhead roses and it isn’t as complicated as common myths suggest. The term “deadhead” simply means to cut the old, wilted flowers off of plants. This improves the appearance of the plant but more importantly, it often stimulates the production of more flowers. It’s a widespread belief that roses must…

The Personal Touch

There are many advantages to shopping at an independent garden center. In particular, we know our customers appreciate the huge variety of plants we offer and our knowledgeable staff. People tell us that they love being able to come in with their landscape problems and find solutions. They also appreciate that we’re here with a…

A Green Roof Fairy House? You Can Grow That!

Make a house for the fairies. Take two old plastic hanging baskets. Cut one down to an inch or two high so that you have a shallow dish with the drainage holes on the bottom. Cut a door opening in the other. You can use heavy duty scissors or tin snips. Put the saucer-piece on…

Bouquets For Your Home?

You Can Grow That! The following plants can be incorporated into existing landscape beds or planted in a dedicated cutting garden. All of these varieties grow well on Cape Cod. Perennials: Anise Hyssop ‘Blue Fortune’ (Agastache) Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) Cat Mint (Nepeta) Cone Flower (Echinacea) Coral Bells (Heuchera) Daffodils Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla) Lavender Liatris Oxeye…

Proven Winners

At Hyannis Country Garden we have one of the largest selections of Proven Winners on Cape Cod. These annuals are wonderful for containers and gardens, and many of our customers save the tags from year to year so that they can remember which ones they used in the past. Other people take photos of the…

Hydrangea Leaf Tier

Why do your Annabelle or other smooth hydrangeas have strange, leaves on top that look like packets or praying hands? Hydrangea leaf tier

Choosing Roses

Find the right type of rose for your garden: shrub or landscape roses, tea roses or English cottage garden types are popular.

Choosing Mulches

Our customers frequently ask, “What’s the best mulch?” and there is no single answer. In the Northeast people usually choose an organic mulch that breaks down over time, as opposed to rocks and pebbles. Since many of our plants shed foliage and stems, a rock mulch is harder to keep clean and debris-free. Mulches such…

Measuring Rain

One of the most important tools that every gardener or home owner should have is a rain gauge. Why a bucket or can isn't as good or accurate.

Cooking With Tomatoes

As part of our Totally Tomatoes Weekend, Nancy Cavanaugh gave a cooking demonstration that showed some of her favorite ways to prepare home-grown tomatoes. Mouths watered and attendees were rewarded with samples of the dishes she prepared.  Of particular interest was the Roasted Tomato Basil Soup from the Barefoot Contessa Cookbook.

Winter Moth Alert!

Spring is here and everything seems to be growing! As perennials pop up and the trees start producing leaves, most people tend to assume that the plants in their landscape are doing just fine. Truth be told, most of them probably are growing well without assistance. But on Cape Cod, people may not realize that…

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