Back To School!

It’s September, and for many this means back-to-school season. But occasions to learn aren’t confined to traditional educational institutions. There are plenty of opportunities on Cape Cod to learn about plants, gardens and landscaping. Here are just a few: Country Garden’s Seminars. We are offering several educational programs this fall. From a celebration of great…

Tips for Drying Blue Hydrangea Flowers

If you’ve cut blue hydrangeas earlier in the summer intending to dry them, you’ve no doubt been disappointed. But take heart…late August and early September is the time when these big blooms can be successfully cut, provided you choose the right flowers. Here are the tips for success. Don’t choose the fresh, light blue flowers.…

Perennial Garden Maintenance in August

If you grow perennial plants, this is a good week to do a flower garden assessment and some quick fix improvements. Since our fall season is so long on Cape Cod, the clean-up and other maintenance you do in August will result in a more attractive garden for the next two months. Here are some…

Summer Planting

Many people wonder if they can plant in mid-August or if they should wait until fall. While those who live in areas where summer temperatures are in the triple digits might need to wait for September, here on Cape Cod it’s actually desirable to put plants in the garden in the summertime. Our temperatures aren’t…

Dogs and Thunder Fear

Having recently experienced thunderstorms and fireworks displays, the distress these loud, booming noises causes their dogs is on many of our customers’ minds. Some dogs tremble, some drool, and others try to hide. Occasionally a dog will even become destructive as he or she attempts to dig or chew their way out of what is…

Your Vegetable Garden This Week

Now that it’s August, there are several things that vegetable growers should be aware of. Here is a checklist of actions that you can be taking to make your garden most productive. Pick your vegetables promptly! Although this seems obvious, many people either forget to harvest daily or are unaware that some crops require prompt…

Smart Summer Lawn Care

As we move from July into August, many of our customers come into Hyannis Country Garden to talk to one of our lawn experts, Jamie Dedekian, aka “Dekes.” Many benefit from his advice about lawn care, so this post covers summer lawn care and what’s important as we continue through the warmest time of the…

Summer Party? Quick Fixes and Garden Improvements

If you are having an outdoor gathering this summer, you’ll want the area to look its best. Chances are your goal is to spruce things up without much upheaval in the landscape, or spending too much time working in the hot sun as well. So here are some tips for creating order, improving gardens and…

Tips For Hydrangea Success

In this week’s post we celebrate the Hydrangea with tips for solving problems and having success with blue and pink-flowering plants; learn about changing color, dealing with browned flowers, spots on the leaves and drying the blossoms. The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival starts this week, and Country Garden is so pleased to be a part…

Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Yard and Garden

One of the great pleasures of summer is watching hummingbirds zip around the garden. They come and go quickly, but with the right variety of plants you can watch them feed at length. When they pause on the branch of a nearby tree to rest you can see how tiny these creatures are, and occasionally…

Bouquets and Stress Relief

Many studies show that flowers reduce stress, anxiety and raise levels of creativity. Adding a few flowers to your daily life can reduce depression and anxiety and boost creativity. I’d add that flowers bring joy to our lives and spreads happiness when we share a bouquet of cut flowers with others. So growing annuals and…

Creating A Water Feature ~ Ponds and Waterfalls

  One of our missions at Hyannis Country Garden is to help people discover wellness. We help our customers to raise fresh, organically grown food and to use a diverse selection of plants that will bring them joy, outside and indoors. For almost 30 years our water gardening department has helped people to create landscape…

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