Report from Little Rock

Report from Little Rock

Everyone is familiar with the term “Bus man’s holiday.” The bus driver might or might not take the bus when on vacation, but garden lovers always visits gardens wherever they are. And this garden lover has been doing just that for the past three days.

Cape Cod is beautiful in May, and it’s planting time, so it takes a great deal to pry a gardener from her Cape garden near Memorial Day weekend. An invitation to visit Little Rock, AR, and participate in P. Allen Smith’s Garden to Blog event was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. I am in the lovely city of Little Rock visiting gardens and seeing great plants. Here are just a few shots from the past two days.

On my first day here I visited garden centers. I especially loved The Good Earth garden center and this flower and vegetable bed planted in the back of an old truck. I’m thinking that we should do something similar, but appropriate to the Cape, at Country Garden. Anyone got an old boat we could have?
P. Allen Smith’s gardens at Moss Mountain are filled with beautiful plantings, thoughtful architecture, and visual surprises. I especially loved the allium when I visited and was inspired to see such a great group of this summer-flowering bulb.

I love Cape Cod, and can hardly wait to get into my gardens to plant annuals and tomatoes this weekend, but it’s also good to see how gardens look in other parts of the country. What gardens have you traveled to recently?

C.L. for the HCG Green Team

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