The Best of Bonsai

The Best of Bonsai

Marsha and Lily are presenting The Best of Bonsai this weekend. It will be a two-day celebration of this fascinating combination of art form and plants. This event has us thinking about the appeal of bonsai trees.

These plants are a reminder…a living, three-dimensional Post-it note that prompts us to think about and appreciate natural forms. They are shorthand references to the larger landscape. Bonsai are the Cliffs Notes of trees and a living art exhibit, which is an amazingly wide selection of genres to span.

Fortunately, you can love bonsai plants, and grow them, simply because you think they are cool. Many people love the fact that the plants are interesting to look at and attractive in the living room.

These are not plants to stick on the coffee table and forget, however. To keep a bonsai tree alive you must water regularly but not keep them too wet. Since the dishes that these plants grow in are so small, they need more frequent watering. Spend some time reading about how to water these plants, and pay attention to how quickly they dry out in your home.

Grow them for their unique look, long history or because they bring the natural world indoors. Appreciate them for their form and spirit…or just because they’re cool. From many angles, bonsai are beautiful.

Which bonsai plants appeal to you?
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1 Comment

  1. Ed Cragin on October 3, 2022 at 9:07 am

    Started Bonsai a little over a year ago . Love it .
    Eddie in Onset

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